Lord of all creation - I come to You now in the name of this Jesus I have heard about. I was born into a sinful world and have lived in ignorance and rebellion to Your truth. Jesus, I accept You as God manifested in the flesh, born as an offering for my sins. Born to pay the price I am unable to pay - the price required for restored fellowship with my Creator.
I am sorry for all my sins and turn away from them. Please forgive me and make me a vessel fit for Your use. I release any bitterness or unforgiveness in my heart and ask You to deal with those situations. I believe You were born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven and are now sitting at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for me.
You are now Lord of my life.
Confess Jesus before men and He will confess you before the Father.
Take me home now please.
It has been my great honor and privilege to serve as administrator of the World Outreach Ministry for my good friend Paula Rayburn. We give all the glory to our precious Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to please Him.
Linda Jennings
We were first introduced to Pastor Ezekiel Misati in 2016. They are located in Kisii, Mwamosioma Village in Kenya.
Through a series of communications with them, the Holy Spirit led us to believe they were a reliable ministry to aid with support. We lean on the Spirit to know what should happen in the future.
It is known that human history in Kenya dates back millions of years, because it is there that some of the earliest fossilized remains of hominids have been discovered.
Pastor Wario first contacted us in late 2009. His greatest concern was for his family and their care as he ministered the Word of God. The Spirit quickened to us the sincerity of his desires and needs.
We have since built them a home and they are now moved in. Ministry of Prayer is pleased to have been able to do this for them and they are most appreciative.
There remains a need to acquire electricity. It is not available in the area of their home and they are praying for a solar means of electricity. A drought has also prevailed for many months. His current prayer is for a cistern to be built so they may have a means to capture rain for their needs. Our prayers are certainly with them that God will furnish all their needs.
Wario is from the Moyale district of Northern Kenya and serves among the Boran speaking people. Boran communities inhabit Northern Kenya and Southern part of Ethiopia and lag behind in evangelism. In addition to speaking and mission work, he has a tape ministry which is proving to be very effective.
We currently fund frequent mission trips in both Kenya and across the border into Ethiopia. Though the muslim influence is not great in some areas, idol worship and demonic practices are.
Our feeding program there is currently supplementing the support for nine families. Pastor Wario has prayerfully selected families that are in desperate need. In addition to the monthly feeding, we also send each family on a shopping trip for clothes. Some are Christian - some are muslim - all are in need.
When we asked Pastor Wario if they built the mud huts themselves, he responded, “People do build for themselves and if not well thatched with grass or the roof covered with a polythene sheet, it will pour rain. I remember very well in my childhood our mud hut leaking rain and we covered ourselves with animal skin to avoid getting wet. When I see people living in mud huts, from my own experience, I know what it means.”
Wario's family converted to the Christian faith when he was 6 years old. He went to mission and secondary school as he was active in the church. Unfortunately they did not preach against many of the evil practices the world engages in. Then one day (much like Paul's Damascus experience) he was walking along and reading the Bible. The scriptures came alive to him about forsaking the ways of the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. That day changed his life as he pledged to serve and live for God. He has since obtained a Higher Diploma in theology and married his wife Daki in 2005. They currently have two children and are expecting a third.
Daki was born in a Christian family but only began to understand the truth and reality of Jesus Christ during secondary school when she joined a Christian Union. She calls this the time when her life was totally changed, as she listened to preachers share the truth of the Word of God. She discovered the wonderful "secret" of prayer and how God responded (even to getter better grades). She graduated from college with no outstanding fees by God's grace and provisions. She is now employed at Somare Primary School. It was even prayer that brought a God-fearing man to be her mate, Pastor Wario.
It is known that human history in Kenya dates back millions of years, because it is there that some of the earliest fossilized remains of hominids have been discovered.
Pastor Ezekiel first contacted us in 2016. We were impressed with his sincere desire to serve our Lord and do the work of His ministry.
His congregation is a close knit group of people. Though they all share in taking care of the orphan children, a majority of the support has to come from the church.
Although the most of their ministry is to the local congregation, they love to do evangelistic outreaches when opportunity arises.
We have built several structures, along with assisting in meeting much of their daily needs.
Ezekiel Misita
God called me when I was 15 years old. I was in the traditional African churches and did not know anything in the bible. I started to pray, asking God if He truly has His church in this world.
Then one day I had dream that I was taking bath at the lake and I saw that it was likely to rain. By the time it was raining and the dark cloud was covering the earth, I started praying to God and asking God to help me come out of that place. I saw a big white dove coming out of heaven and going into all corners of the earth.
I prayed and when I woke up, I found myself thanking God for putting me in His church. Reaching 1990, I was baptized. In the year 2005 I was ordained as pastor. I was called to start my ministry which I answered. Since then I have been ministering.
I am a carpenter by trade and do some farming to meet family needs. Glory to God.