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Lord of all creation - I come to You now in the name of this Jesus I have heard about.  I was born into a sinful world and have lived in ignorance and rebellion to Your truth.  Jesus, I accept You as God manifested in the flesh, born as an offering for my sins.  Born to pay the price I am unable to pay - the price required for restored fellowship with my Creator.

I am sorry for all my sins and turn away from them. Please forgive me and make me a vessel fit for Your use.  I release any bitterness or unforgiveness in my heart and ask You to deal with those situations.  I believe You were born of a virgin, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven and are now sitting at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for me.

You are now Lord of my life.


Confess Jesus before men and He will confess you before the Father.
Take me home now please.

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We are blessed to have Debra Rayburne take over as president after her sister's passing. She had worked with her for awhile so the transition was pretty seamless. The joy of serving the Lord is in the heart of all associated with this ministry. And so … the journey continues.
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Paula would be the last one to want a tribute paid to her. She would undoubtedly quote us a scripture: "We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do." Luke 17:10 That being said, it is good to give honor to whom honor is due.

What can just one person do? One only needs to look at the many "ones" throughout the ages who knew that only our faith can put limits on God. A divorced woman with children did not dwell on the circumstances of what is but instead on what could be. When Paula fell in love with Jesus, there was no turning back. There would be no divorce this time.

I was there with she told me how she felt God's calling on her life. I helped her set up this ministry with the government as a charitable organization. From there, many family and friends joined in her vision of ministering to those with needs.

Then one day as she was sitting at her kitchen window looking upon the surrounding block with several empty or vacated lots, she had a vision of a small little community that could serve as a temporary haven for women and children in need of refuge. Remembering how she used to harvest peaches from an orchard when she was younger, the project was suitably named Peach Orchard Park.

Now our Paula is gone but the dream lives on. The mantel has been passed. The fire for serving our Lord lives on in the hearts of all associated with this ministry. And we, like her, readily confess what would have surely been on her lips. "We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do." Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus, come.
Here you can view Paula’s goodbye to this world. Paula Departure Video